on EuroGamer, they have a chat with
CDPR Senior Quest Designer Philipp Weber who outright confirms the planned and talked about multi-player aspect of Cyberpunk 2077 had to be axed to put those resources into fixing the less than stable condition of the game on launch. He goes on to say while the dedicated MP 2077 game may be dead they are now looking to add MP elements to most all their upcoming games in the future. I know I was very taken aback by them announcing the end of the MP version. In fact the first version of this site 2 years ago was dedicated to the MP game. None the less, here is a snip of the article. Let us know what you think below;
Simply put, the game's rocky 2020 launch changed the studio's plans. CD Projekt Red had to prioritise fixing the single-player experience, and multiplayer suffered as a result. "We really needed to look at what were the priorities for Cyberpunk [after it launched]," Philipp Weber told me when I visited the studio last week. Weber was senior quest designer and coordinator on Cyberpunk 2077. Today, he's acting narrative director of the new Witcher game codenamed Polaris. "The priority was that the main experience will run for the people in a really good state," he said. "And essentially, the switch of priorities meant that other R&D projects had to go away. With Cyberpunk, we wanted to do many things at the same time, and we just needed to really focus and say, 'Okay, what's the important part? Yeah, we will make that part really good.'"