posts an article making the case in Project Orion (CP2) the relationships should be, arguably needs to be, more like Mass Effect then the first game. Granted we can surmise the limited romances in the main game was due to time crunch most likely. But that does not excuse the fact, as the article points out, that the community has made it very clear it wants more options on the next go around. Here is a snip;
What I’ve noticed in the wake of the game’s release is that the fanbase has drummed up a wishlist of all the romance options they wish were available in the game, some of whom have even turned to mods to at least pose for photos with their theoretical significant other. Other mods have done model swaps to sub in characters for sex scenes, which has led to some being taken down (I think that was against Keanu Reeves’ contract) and some being downright terrifying (romanceable Adam Smasher).
But clearly this is one part of Cyberpunk 2077 that really resonated with fans. V’s relationships with Panam, Judy, River or Kerry (especially those first two) were some of the most compelling parts of the game, if not the most compelling, and I think fans wanted more. That’s why I’m citing Mass Effect here, a game that started out with fairly restrictive romance options for Shepard when it debuted, but by the end, there were barely any humans or aliens that were not romanceable in that game, which is how my Shepard eventually ended up with Tali, who was not romanceable when you first meet her. That changed over time.