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Our Analysis of the Phantom Liberty Trailer & Hardware Requirements

11 Jun 2023

Our Analysis of the Phantom Liberty Trailer & Hardware Requirements

Our Analysis of the Phantom Liberty Trailer & Hardware Requirements

Author: Gothic Wizard  /  Categories: Cyberpunk 2077 News, Community Content, Article/OpEd  /  Rate this article:
Please note this is just educated guesses and speculation on our part. Nothing I or anyone says outside of CDPR folks should be taken as fact, but should be used for food and thought and to foster healthy discussion. That said here is our breakdown of the trailer.
0:06 - The start of the expansion when V and JS discuss the engram situation. This expansion probably triggers after a certain point of the main story after you've had a attack or two to help set the stage for this discussion.

0:24 - Songbird (now clearly a codename) makes her official appearance and unlike what the leaks last year suggested, does not seem to be an engram but a flesh and blood person. So there goes my hypothesis she over writes JS for most of the expansion. That said she's an intel analyst, but working from whom isn't make clear. However reasonable guess is a govt agency, perhaps same one as Soloman Reed hence how he get roped into this story.

0:42 - Voice over the PA system the antagonist of this expansion I am guessing. Seems the 'leader' who runs Dogtown, carved out his own little fiefdom of Pacifica. Which makes sense since it was established in the base game NCPD has abandoned it and it's more or less anarchy.

0:49 - The Presidents transport taken down not by accident it seems. Songbird does not name the person on the PA that is shown briefly but makes clear he has everything to gain by taking the President hostage.

0:55 - These "sleeper agents" mentioned are intriguing. Unclear exactly how they fit in, perhaps undercover pro-NUSA agents throughout Night City the govt uses for emergencies. And Reed is one of them?

0:57 - One of these "sleeper agents" you meet to help you recover the President?

1:01 - Breathing underwater skills, tools may become useful! :P

1:05 - The President after the crash when you discover her?

1:11 - In lore the President used to be CEO of Militech and I believe has a solider background. So I don't think the President will be very helpless when you do meet up with her. So this scene makes sense in context.

1:15 - Unsure where they are but clearly not long after you locate the President and whoever that voice was on the PA system of Dogtown is after her, and by default your V is my guess.

1:19 - No thank you. Pass. On a more serious note, some uber military level combat bot. Which then makes me think the person, group after the President in this conspiracy has some serious backing, resources.

1:23 - Nope. Nope. Nope. Run away.

1:28 this is perhaps where you get separated from the President after your early rescue of her, she's ambushed during your separation and you have to recover her.. again. And this is where the bulk of the story takes place.

1:31 - Very interesting view of the expanded Pacifica. I am REALLY hoping they added more Mr. Hands gigs and related with all this new real estate.

1:35 - Reed meeting you undercover? I mean... look at that pimp jacket he's wearing.

1:38 - Facial disguise tech. In the teaser trailer it showed V putting on this hi-tech mask. This is the end result of that. Again with spy govt agencies involved Mission:Impossible type devices not out of character in the context of the story being a spy thriller. While you may deceive people with this, it also can work the other way around. Very much so if the group backing this conspiracy is a rogue govt agency as they will have a lot of resources.

1:50 - MaxTac on the scene, perhaps the re-vamped police system?

1:53 - New major NPC?

1:55 - New weapon or just for the expansion?

2:02 - New vehicle combat system?

2:06 - No idea but very cool. Something to do with the net? Perhaps other side of the Blackwall?

2:17 - Sept 26 Release date!

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