quotes Paweł Sasko, CDPR Lead Quest Designer from his recent Twitch stream. Where a viewer asked him how he felt about 2077 being labeled as too linear. He takes a pretty upfront and direct approach and I feel echos the feelings of most of the community. The fact he will be leading the new Boston Studio whose doing Project Orion and understands where 2077 fell short is a good sign. Let us know what you think below, here is a snip;
Sasko was asked by a viewer how he feels about Cyberpunk 2077 being criticised for how linear it is (or more accurately, how linear it was compared to what was presented ahead of release), saying “well I think it’s completely justified.”
Cyberpunk 2077 does have three drastically different opening options, plenty of external quests that impact the main story, branching main quests, and five different endings, all of which are acknowledged by Sasko, who still adds that “players expected more.”
Sasko says that there are enough systems to have two playthroughs that aren’t identical but adds “that’s not enough,” before explaining how they think this came to pass.
“There are many things that happened. First of all, players expected more, they expected more because of how The Witcher 3 is built, and I think that Cyberpunk has an insane amount of non-linearity, but I think expectations were higher.
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