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LayedBackGamers: Where is Morgan Blackhand? | Lore

LayedBackGamers: Where is Morgan Blackhand? | Lore

LayedBackGamers: Where is Morgan Blackhand? | Lore

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Gothic Wizard
/ Categories: Community Content

LBG dives into the question where, if anywhere, is Morgan Blackhand in the world of 2077? He uses in game messages, table top source book lore and some often repeated hypothesis to answer that question. For those new to 2077 Morgan is a major solo (street samurai) NPC that was first introduced in the RPG book in the 1980s. It's been hinted like most all the other major NPCs from the table top game he too has survived into 2077. Why not have him alive too, like your are tripping over 80 yr old street legends every time you turn around in the game. cheeky My snark about that over used story trope aside, take a watch below;

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