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LKM: 2077 is Doing Better Than Ever in 2025!

LKM: 2077 is Doing Better Than Ever in 2025!

LKM: 2077 is Doing Better Than Ever in 2025!

187 0
Gothic Wizard

Last Known Meal drops some tasty facts that the current player count for 2077 hovers just over 62,000. For a 4 yr old, single player game, that is amazing frankly. For some context as of this writing the player count of Starfield is just over 7,300 and BG3 is almost 79,000. Again, very respectable. He addresses how CDPR spend around 125 million to turn 2077 around and how 2024 was as a whole a very good year for our fav game. Take a watch;
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