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PC Gamer Jumps on the Poor Journalism Bandwagon with GameSpot

29 Jun 2023

PC Gamer Jumps on the Poor Journalism Bandwagon with GameSpot

PC Gamer Jumps on the Poor Journalism Bandwagon with GameSpot

Author: Gothic Wizard  /  Categories: Community Content, Article/OpEd  /  Rate this article:
As we reported yesterday, Gamespot took one quote out of a large interview and ran with it minus context of the larger article. Well now PC Gamer who doesn't want to fall behind in the click bait is doing the same with the quote. Curious how they ONLY quote this from the article and nothing else? As I said yesterday maybe because in the rest of the interview he took accountability for the poor launch and expressed how they want to make it up to fans? Well that doesn't make clicks, but ignoring the entire interview except one paragraph out of context sure get people clicking and commenting. Do better you tools. Anyways here is part of PC Gamers rant;

After countless delays Cyberpunk 2077 was pushed out the door unfinished, full of bugs and under-developed systems. On last-gen consoles, bugs and performance issues were so bad it was rendered unplayable, to the point that Sony removed it from sale on the PlayStation Store. This was a platform holder saying that one of the biggest games of the decade was simply not in a good enough state to be sold. Regardless of player backlash, this is more than enough to prove that it was not released in an acceptable state.

This retcon willfully ignores truths that we all know, like how those positive reviews were not based on the versions of the game with the biggest problems. Or that reviews are not always representative of what most players think about a game. I've certainly reviewed games that I loved only to find myself in a tiny minority.

This is the one quote they took issue with;

"I actually believe Cyberpunk on launch was way better than it was received, and even the first reviews were positive. Then it became a cool thing not to like it. We went from hero to zero really fast. That was the tough moment. We didn't know what was happening. We knew that the game is great, yes we can improve it, yes we need to take time to do it, and we need to rebuild some stuff."

And yes by itself yes it does look bad. However if you read the ENTIRE article, it makes more sense. And while he could have worded it better granted he is correct. Some DID hop on the CDPR is going to fail, 2077 will never be playable bandwagon in YouTube. MattyPlays and ever worse Legacykilla did video after video of how CDPR was going out of business and how 2077 was a "failure". Those 2 posted non-stop vids about it for over a year. So in the interview he ISN'T incorrect.

Anyways give us your thoughts below;
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