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UPDATE 2: CyberPunk Refuge Zone Translation

3 Dec 2022

UPDATE 2: CyberPunk Refuge Zone Translation

UPDATE 2: CyberPunk Refuge Zone Translation

Author: Gothic Wizard  /  Categories: Cyberpunk 2077 News, Community Content, General News  /  Rate this article:
I got back in touch with my Discord mod Grim and he went part by part thought the video we reported on earlier (re-posted below) and translated the whole thing, rather than just hit the big points. As there were many questions about this, the biggest being how are they able to use the Cyberpunk license. Well here is all the bullet points, in chronological order, of what was said in the video. We also have a link to the project website here. Thanks to Grim for all his help with this;

  • They built it mainly for role play in mind
  • You will enter the world with starting money and need to get some kind of job
  • They tell the example of becoming a cop in-game. You have to apply. go through qualifying, training, etc
  • There will be some sort of income
  • Also RP background with character creation
  • In the end it will be server choice so the admins can decide the sever settings (implied players can host their own servers like Conan Exiles, most FPS)
  • Working title is "CyberPunk Refuge Zone"
  • He just said there will be possibilities and ways to do a lot of different things. (he was vague here)
  • They also speculate about some sort of randomization "Lottery" that decides how big your income is to get rich and poor starts randomized
  • He describes this option or idea that you can use the starting money to get somewhat like a lotto ticket with the option of more money
  • He also talks about "the island" no idea if he means Australia or if it is an Australian island.
  • How you get there is related to character background during creation.
  • Dedicated servers are what they plan for from what I understood
  • Server admin seems to have control about starting money, rules etc.
  • Their first thoughts where about creating a setting in Europe. but since the devs are from Europe they had more ideas about foreign places also Europe is described in the CP universe pretty much, Australia is kind of a grey spot
  • That's basically the two main reasons for that choice
  • Also they wanted to get away from the US as a setting since it's used all the time.
  • They later mention it's an island of Australia and that it's tropical appealed to them.
  • The dev says explicitly he got permission from CDPR to use the story line/setting. But he has to note that it's not CDPR related. (You can hear it at 5:25 in the video; "Ich hab ja damals das Okay gekriegt, von CD Project Red."
  • He actually wrote CDPR for permission. The answer took a little longer then expected. A nice German speaking woman from CDPR confirmed he can actually use the Cyberpunk lore. But also that he cannot imply or say the product is related to CDPR. He specially underlines that they are not related in any way. He only uses the Mike Pondsmith Cyberpunk RPG Lore.
  • Regarding the lore he also explicitly states there are no lore restrictions given.
  • It will play ~100 years later than CP 2077
  • The amount of cyberware is key when it comes to cyberpsychosis. maxing out isn't the goal here.
  • Cyberware will be handled different than in CDPRs CP 2077
  • He says that the character will get sick/ill when maxed out or using to much cyberware and even drug use can only prevent it for some time, drugs won't work forever.
  • When psychosis hits you won't be able to control the character correctly from that point on
  • There will be an extended metro system a magnetic railway that connects the whole city.
  • It's asked if it will be solo playable too. it's more like a survival game. Surviving in the city. There will be NPCs you can interact with. The city shall be alive.
  • There are minor interactions relating that planned. (no idea what or how he means MINOR) but he gives the idea of playing solo and getting into contact with a corporations and interact with them.
  • It started as an hobby project
  • the dev (I hope I got it right) is called Himiko (name not spelled anywhere only phonetic guess by me)
  • It's way to early to talk about anything like a release. but they plan to make it way bigger than a hobby project.
  • They will release the long (several hours talk probably, as mentioned) interview/video the next days.
  • This will contain more planned features like "rafting" (phonetic and subtitle)
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